AMO emphasizes that the profession of Optometry is recognized by the Ministry of Health Malaysia as a healthcare profession that provides essential primary eye care services to the community.
AMO wishes to state that during this period of national “Restricted Movement Order” due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, its members are permitted to provide continuing essential eye care services to the patients that they serve, which include various elements of refractive, oculo-functional and ocular health care.
AMO asserts that optometrists who decide to render such services be fully responsible for the necessity and urgency of the services; and this is subject to strict adherence to the guidelines and SOP issued by the Ministry of Health via the Malaysian Optical Council. Only urgent and essential services should be given. Non-essential and routine cases must be postponed to after 31st of March.
AMO stresses that utmost priority be given to the safety of both patients served and the staff who provided the services. The practices must be equipped with the facilities and services for the prevention of COVID-19 if they are to remain open during this period.